Dennis Aikman posted on May 04, 2012 11:52

Rubber IN a Can Official Site!
Rubber in a Can fixes leaks and dries in about 2 hours. Apply with light coats applying in sweeping motions insteat of one thick coat. Dry time depends on temperature and thickness. Do not re-apply until initial coat is tack free. Make sure you apply enough of the coating. In many cases, rubber in a can will not stop a leak or work properly because they did not use enough or have enough on the surface. Apply light coats until the entire crack, hole or leak has been filled in and covered completely. The better the surface preparation, the better the adhesion. The number of coats will vary based on the depth, thickness, size hole leak or crack you are trying to fill and seal. Applying rubber in a can to a damp surface will work but to get better adhesion, it is best to have a clean dry surface free of dirt, oil and debris.
Rubber in a can will seal and fill in holes, cracks and leaks on water tanks, buckets, planters, gutters, roofs, downspouts and many other items around the house. The most recent repair was used on rubber boots and waiters folks use for clamming and wading in the water. Auto restorers also use it on wheel wells, fenders and bumpers. In hard to reach places, rubber in a can will also work on small leaks on boats, canoes, rafts and kayaks. Rubber in a can will seal out water and last for years after proper surface preparation and application. It can also be painted over to match any color. This is a portable aerosol spray can that is quick and easy to use. Rubber in a can will shoot a black rubberized liquid and dry to a flexible rubberized coating/sealant. It will fill and seep into holes and cracks and will dry to a watertight rubber surface. After spraying a few coats of rubber in a can you will find that it will not sag or drip crack or peel and will take the hot temperaturs of summer and the cold temperaturs of winter.
Rubber in a can will shoot a fast spray fan quickly out of the can and as long as you mask off where you dont want the spray to go, it will apply very clean and neat while avoiding a messy application. Rubber in a can From Alvin Products is water resistant and the only message that needs to be understood is depending on how bad water is leaking or how deep the hole, crack or repair is, more rubberized spray might need to be used in multiple coats rather than one single thick coat in order to achieve the pressure, amount of water that is penetrating.
Rubber in a can from Alvin Products is now available worldwide and can be ordered locally from a dealer or direct from the manufacturer who makes it in the U.S.A. Rubber in a can can be used on any rigid surface after shaking the can for about a minute. Spray the sealant in light sweeping motions to achieve a good coating/coverage. Use the product in a well ventilated area or outside when possible. Here are some of the top uses of Alvin Rubber in a can;
roofs, edges, seams, shingles, foundations, down spouts, bird baths and ponds, duct work, chimneys, ac units, hvac equipments and drip pans, window sills, basement cracks, pvc pipe leaks, flashings and hoses, vent pipes, sky lights, mobile homes, RV's campers, hot tubs, pools and virtually anywhere you dont want water to penetrate.
Visit the official web site for photos, applicaiton tips and uses.
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